Friday, September 2, 2016

Exercise: The brain booster

The Dreamer mind Magazine
Exercise: The Brain booster

  Your body is your tool; to use it correctly you will need a very straight and strong mental condition. Controlling your body, as you want comes with a lot of work. To be the best self you can be and make it to the next level, you will need to be able to control your body as well as your mind.

 Normally people think that exercise is only good for the body. If this is your case, I will have to tell you that you are wrong. Regular exercise has proved in many ways that it can prevent you from depression, anxiety, ADHD, sleeping problems and more. It also relieves stress and improves your memory.

 Your brain is no different than the rest of your other muscles. People that hit the gym stimulate the growth of their muscles cells and by doing this they also get their brain fit at the same time. The benefits of physical exercise extend from the molecular to the behavioral level.

According to a study done by the Department of Exercise Science at the University of Georgia, Exercising 20 min every day helps with the information processing and the memory functions of your brain.

What are the mental health benefits of exercise?

A good daily exercise can help us getting bigger muscles, better sex life, trimmed waistlines, and even can add more years to our life. But that is not the most important part of it.

People that exercise regularly tend to do so because it can give them a great sense of well-being. Exercise makes them more energetic throughout the day, and gives them a better sleep at night, which gives them quality rest time to start the next day. We can also see that these people get through exercise a reasonable improvement in their memory and get more relaxed and positive in life situations.

Exercise affects the brain on multiple fronts. First, it increases your heart rate, pumping more oxygen to the brain. It also helps to release a plethora of hormones, which participates in aiding the growth of brain cells.

Doing regular exercise you will start stimulating you brain plasticity, constant physical activity stimulates the growth of the new connections between your brain cells.

Exercise will help you with depression, anxiety, stress, ADHD, PTSD and trauma. Boosting also thinking and making your memory sharper, gives you self-esteem, Better sleeping at nights, improve your daily energy in time and gives you a stronger resilience.

"Is all in your head"- this means that you need  to control your thinking until you get used to the daily routine, and I'm not talking just about exercise, I'm talking about using your inner talk to talk to yourself, you have to start correcting your behavior or in other words "The power of will".

No will, no future.

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